Sunday, May 26, 2013

Two Dayzeee

Hellooo! :)

So I forgot to shoot you guys an update yesterday.  I went into NYC with a few of my friends and didn't have breakfast before hand so I was starving by the time we found a little cafĂ© in the village but stayed good and only got a tuna melt.  I splurged later that day though when we were waiting for the train and got a caramel crunch Frappuccino from Starbucks (sooo good) and a turkey bacon and egg white breakfast sandwich.  I went to visit some friends and was good and didn't eat anything else :)

So my total for that day was: 1060

And today I had a chewy granola bar (I was getting agitated soo the boyf knew how to get me back to myself), an egg white omelet with parm cheese and turkey, cantaloupe, and chicken broccoli and rice for dinner. 

So that was a kind of high total of : 1308 but I worked out a lot today.  I did p90x shoulders and arms, two abs of steel videos, ran with the boyf, and did an hour and a half of yoga. 

Hopefully the weight loss will continue and I'm hoping to lose another 7 pounds by Cape may in addition to the 15 I've lost since starting to try again!

Strength 169

Friday, May 24, 2013

Strange New Low

Hello lovelies,

Today started by being woken up by my dog snuggling up in bed with me.  A lovely way to start the day :) He's not usually allowed upstairs (but when my dad isn't home my mom and I sometimes break the rules).  Sleeping in felt marvelous after the week of waking up early for class. 

I killed some time after that just checking out some youtube videos. 

After that, I headed off for some girl time with my mom.  Got a mani/pedi and went shopping.  Loved pampering myself and feeling pretty <3. 

Also headed off to a gathering at an old friend's house to catch up with friends I haven't seen in a while since we've all been at college.  I was bad though.  I had a slice of pizza, about 7 marshmallows, and a hunk of chocolate. 

Totally today I ate,

Wendy's Crispy Chicken Sandwich
Wendy's side Caesar Salad
3 Turkey Roll-ups (1.5 slices of cheese)
A protein drink
The crap I ate at the party
A tbsp. of peanut butter 

A total of 1761 calories.  OMFG.

And a daily average of : 1306.  I have to bring that number back down.

I did Abs of Steel today, though, and P90x Day 7 (Core Synergistics).

I also reached a new low this morning of 169.0! Yay!

Stay strong lovelies!


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I've stayed around 1000 calories the past few days and somehow I gained 4 pounds?! WTF?

Today was bad though, I had like 1777.  Ugh. 

But I got a good base tan/burn to try to at least make my fat brown by summer.  Maybe the heat exposure made me dehydrated and I'm retaining water? IDK.  I also just got my period so maybe that's it.  I just hope it goes down again.  That's ridiculous.

My daily average is now: 1228. Not terrible but not good. 

I hope everyone else did better today than I did.  (At least I got my run with the boyf in today)

Strength 174

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Hi beautifuls!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  It's been kinda busy.  I started class up again today.  I'm taking summer classes.  I don't have much time to post but my intake today was:


And my daily average is 1198.

And I still weigh 170.



Sunday, May 19, 2013


So I didn't eat anything today until dinner.  Nothing.  Nada :)

But then dinner happened. 

I tend to get really agitated and feisty (in a bad way) when I don't eat.  And when the boyf came over I just snapped at him.  Which isn't fair to him.  So we decided to make dinner.  For ourselves and my family. 

We made homemade cheese its (sooo many carbs but delicious!! and gluten free!), a snack of an egg baked in a roll with cheese (soo fatty and carby), lemon garlic pasta with parmasean (more carbz), and a salad with honey mustard chicken. 

I didn't even bother to try to count calories.   Anybody have any idea how much this would be?



Hello lovelies!

Last night, I went out to see my Aunt's band play and I was bad.  I didn't count calories as I was munching on hummus and cucumbers/carrots/chips/bread.  Oops.  My total calorie count ended up being 1325.  Making my daily average: 1213.  I really have to start restricting more.  But I've been working out more.  So I dont really understand how I gained two pounds between yesterday and today.  I was so close to the 160s.  Merrrr.  Hopefully it will all work out in the end. 

So far today, I haven't eaten anything today and I'm about to go do Day 3 of P90X and two Abs of Steel.  Let's see how it goes.  Here's some thinspo for you beauties <3


Saturday, May 18, 2013

P90X Day 2

Hello lovelies,

Just a quick update! I just finished my Cardio X Day 2 of P90X and am headed off to do my Abs of Steel! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and feeling skinny!
